Design a Guidebook for Guests in Minutes

Create Your Guidebook for Only $9.95 Get Your Guidebook Access

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Create Your Guidebook

Design and Print a Guidebook in Minutes!


Property Location

Type name and address of your property.



Select which amenities your property has and give a description for each one. If have amenities not listed then simply add your own custom amenities.



Preview your guidebook to make sure everything is buttoned up before downloading and printing.

Why it's Important?


It shows your guests you care enough to take the time to create a well designed guidebook just for them.

First Impression

It's one of the first things your guests will see as they enter your home. We all know how important first impressions are for reviews.

Guest's Questions Answered

You'll spend less time explaining the same questions time and time again to each guest.

Grow Your Business

As you build your real estate portfolio a well thought out guidebook is will save you time each week to focus on growing your business


Client Testimonoal

Hi Richard Fertig, just signed up and had my guidebook made using your program. Easy to use and dear me it looks good! Also like how affordable it is. Appreciate all your hard work to make folks like us successful!

Mike Miller

Client Testimonoal

Hi Richard, first of all thank you for this opportunity.
I found the tool very intuitive and easy to use.

Andre Bugeja

Client Testimonoal

I thought it was a very nice set up. Neat and easy to read.

Deborah Rooney Neary

Client Testimonoal

Favorite part of the design process is where you can move different sections around to make the guidebook flow.
Really folks sign up to get this done@ easy and affordable.

Mike Miller

Get your guidebook now!

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